// 23 maart
“Will cover the need for UAT (User Acceptance Testing) and its impact on Software development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Development Life Cycle as a whole.”
// 24 maart
“These days, software testing means much more than simply running through test scripts or recording scenarios for playback. Testers today need to know how to create test plans, execute API testing, work with databases, write clean code, test for security vulnerabilities, work with their team, and much more. In this talk, I’ll walk through some of the lessons presented in my new book, “The Complete Software Tester” to help you become a “full-stack tester”.”
// 30 maart
“In testing we have strategy – the ideas guiding our testing; logistics – getting things in place where testing can happen and tactics – the ways we test. These three are inseparable, yet our awareness of their existence varies. With repetition, patterns emerge in how we approach problems. In this talk, we focus on patterns coming out of repetition I experience.”
// 31 maart
“In this presentation, we will present our current journey on applying scriptless GUI test automation at ING with lessons learned.”
// 6 april
“Gebruik jij weleens een database om testdata klaar te zetten? Of om testresultaat te controleren?
Tijdens deze meetup bekijken we een tweetal tools die je kunt gebruiken om geautomatiseerde scripts te laten controleren op verwacht database resultaat.”
// 7 april
“What You’ll Learn: How to spot implicit requirements, What shapes implicit requirements, Heuristics on how to test against implicit requirements”
// 7 april
“This talk will answer the following questions, and more: How do you fail fast? How do you make your testing scalable? How do you isolate test cases from one-another? How do you maintain a working body of tests when you radically change the interface to your system?” |