// 24 jan
“Roberto will give us an intro to performance testing and share stories and practical advice on the subject based on his vast experience.”
// 25 jan
“- Agile testing mindset, a possible approach as we see it
– Bughunting
– Painting the Product Picture – workshop about drawing up a Product Outline”
// 25 jan
“Much of my testing is about exploration, about learning, about finding things that might matter that we haven’t already thought about. In this talk, I’ll discuss how I use automation to help me to do that.”
// 26 jan
“In this tutorial we will build a small React application. We will talk about test strategy. Then we will implement some functional Cypress tests. And also, we will add some visual tests to ensure that our app looks perfect across different platforms.”
// 26 jan
“January’s BBC Tech Meetup is all about Testing, Automation and Behaviour Driven Development”
// 2 feb
“Learn how to load test better today and leave with something to think about for the future of load testing.”
// 7 – 11 feb
“LIVE annual Online Event Dedicated 100% To Helping You Achieve Reliable Automation And succeed with All your Automation Testing efforts
Discover The Most Actionable Tips, Tools, Techniques, And Strategies From The World’s Top E2E Automation Experts”
// 8 feb
“Herken je dat? Een applicatie die gewoon niet lekker aanvoelt om te gebruiken? Dat de capaciteit voldoende zou moeten zijn maar toch niet performt? In deze MeetUp gaat Dennis met jullie kijken naar veel voorkomende bottlenecks en trends die hij tegenkomt tijdens performance testen.”
// 9 – 10 feb
“The focus of the conference is on finding methods and tools for business value through the adoption of Agile, DevOps and Testing and well-built software. This transformation depends on significant changes in culture, roles & responsibilities, team structure, and tools & processes.” |